Friday, November 29, 2019

65 preguntas en entrevista residencia por matrimonio

65 preguntas en entrevista residencia por matrimonio La entrevista a los cà ³nyuges en el proceso de obtencià ³n de la residencia permanente por matrimonio es un paso que se realiza porque Inmigracià ³n quiere saber si un matrimonio es de conveniencia o si se trata de una unià ³n verdadera. Solamente en este à ºltimo caso el cà ³nyuge extranjero obtendrn definitivamente los papeles. Destacar que la entrevista para levantar la condicionalidad tiene lugar à ºnicamente en  el caso en el que el cà ³nyuge extranjero de un ciudadano americano obtuvo inicialmente una green card temporal por dos aà ±os. Esto solamente tiene lugar en los casos en los que el cà ³nyuge extranjero recibe la green card antes de haber cumplido los dos aà ±os de casado.  Es decir, no en todos los casos de residencia por matrimonio hay entrevista. Los casos en los que la green card por matrimonio es temporal y, por lo tanto, es imprescindible la entrevista como paso previo para levantar la condicionalidad de la residencia de dicho cà ³nyuge extranjero, lo comà ºn es que las preguntas se  hagan  por separado  a cada uno de los esposos.   Despuà ©s de leer este artà ­culo se tendr una idea informada de quà © preguntas esperar en la entrevista, consejos para la misma y cà ³mo evitar problemas y quà © hacer una vez que se realiza exitosamente.   El oficial de Inmigracià ³n puede preguntar lo que quiera, pero sus preguntas van a ser muy similares a las siguientes. 65 preguntas entrevista para residencia por matrimonio Las preguntas suelen referirse a varios temas: noviazgo y ceremonia de casamiento, la familia de cada uno de los cà ³nyuges y vida de casados. Por cuestiones prcticas de este artà ­culo, las preguntas se dividen en esos tres bloques. Estas preguntas aplican tanto a matrimonios entre un varà ³n y una mujer como al celebrado entre dos personas del mismo sexo, ya que las leyes federales de EE.UU. reconocen la legalidad del matrimonio igualitario y, por lo tanto, es posible derivar beneficios migratorios de dicho matrimonio. Noviazgo y boda  ¿Dà ³nde se conocieron? ¿En quà © momento pasaron de ser amigos a ser novios? ¿Quà © actividades hacà ­an en comà ºn cuando eran novios? ¿Quà © gustos y aficiones tienen en comà ºn? ¿Por quà © han tenido un noviazgo tan corto (o tan largo)? ¿Quià ©n decidià ³ que era una buena idea casarse? ¿Dà ³nde se celebrà ³ la boda? ¿A cunta gente invitaron? ¿Quià ©nes estaban presentes por parte de cada una de las familias?Describe la ceremonia y el banquete.  ¿Algo fuera de lo comà ºn? ¿Quà © se sirvià ³ para comer y para beber? ¿Cà ³mo se decidià ³ el menà º? ¿Quià ©n pagà ³ por el banquete? ¿Hasta que hora durà ³ la recepcià ³n? ¿Dà ³nde fue la luna de miel? ¿Por quà © decidieron ese destino? La vida en comà ºn  ¿Quià ©n de los dos se levanta generalmente antes? ¿A quà © hora? ¿Quià ©n hace el desayuno? ¿Quià ©n hace la comida y la cena? ¿Quià ©n hace la compra? ¿Quià ©n lava los platos? ¿Quià ©n plancha? ¿Dà ³nde se guarda la ropa de invierno? ¿Cul es la comida preferida de tu esposo/a? ¿Quà © comida detesta tu esposo/a? ¿Cuntas veces a la semana salen a comer fuera? ¿Cul fue la à ºltima pelà ­cula que vieron juntos? ¿De quà © color son las cortinas de cada cuarto de la casa? ¿Quà © electrodomà ©sticos hay en la cocina? ¿De quà © tamaà ±o es la cama matrimonial? ¿Tienen televisià ³n en el dormitorio? ¿Cà ³mo es el pijama preferido de tu esposo/a? ¿De quà © lado de la cama duermes? ¿Cul es la marca de crema, champà º, crema de dientes, etc que utiliza tu esposo/a?Si se utiliza algà ºn mà ©todo anti conceptivo,  ¿cul? ¿Cundo tuvo la esposa su à ºltima menstruacià ³n? ¿Cundo es el cumpleaà ±os de cada uno? ¿Quà © celebrac iones se festejan en la casa? ¿Quà © hicieron juntos en el à ºltimo dà ­a feriado? ¿Cul es el programa de televisià ³n favorito de tu esposo/a? ¿Cul es la estacià ³n de radio que prefiere escuchar tu esposo/a?  ¿Cul es la marca de la cmara de fotos? ¿Cuntos autos tienen? ¿Cuntos telà ©fonos de là ­nea fija hay en la casa? ¿Cul es el servicio de internet, cable? ¿Cuntas televisiones hay en la casa y en que cuarto se encuentran? ¿Quà © revistas leen o tienen suscripcià ³n? ¿Viven en una casa o apartamento? ¿Cunto se paga de renta o de hipoteca?Si hay mascotas,  ¿quià ©n las pasea y quià ©n las lleva al veterinario y cules son sus nombres? Familia  ¿Con quà © frecuencia visitan o se va a ver a la familia polà ­tica? ¿Cà ³mo te llevas con tus suegros? ¿Les has hecho regalos o te los han hecho? ¿Con quà © otros miembros de la familia se tiene relacià ³n frecuente? ¿Cundo fue la à ºltima vez que los viste?Si se tienen nià ±os,  ¿quià ©n los levanta? ¿Quià ©n les hace de comer la mayor parte de las veces? ¿Cul es su comida favorita? ¿Quià ©n los acuesta? ¿Cul es su cuento favorito? ¿Cul es su juguete favorito? ¿Van solos al retrete? ¿Utilizan asiento extra en el auto? ¿Quià ©n es la persona que los cuida cuando los padres estn fuera de la casa? Problemas que pueden surgir en la entrevista para la residencia Si Inmigracià ³n cree que se est ante un matrimonio falso para obtener la tarjeta de residencia, habr consecuencias serias por esa boda de conveniencia, si bien son ms problemticas y graves para el cà ³nyuge extranjero que se casà ³ por los papeles. Por otra parte, si un ciudadano llega a la conclusià ³n de que se han casado con à ©l o ella sà ³lo por los papeles, tiene dos opciones: denunciarlo  o, si es posible, cancelar la tramitacià ³n del permiso de residencia antes de que à ©sta sea definitiva. Adems, tener en cuenta que el divorcio cuando la residencia se obtiene por matrimonio puede tener efectos migratorios importantes, por lo que hay que analizar bien las posibles consecuencias, aà ºn cuando el divorcio se produzca despuà ©s de haber levantado la condicionalidad de la green card y, por lo tanto, haber obtenido la tarjeta de residencia permanente. Por à ºltimo, si  el matrimonio es abusivo y resulta muy dificultoso para el cà ³nyuge extranjero permanecer conviviendo con el esposo o esposa ciudadano porque todavà ­a no se ha levantado la condicionalidad de la green card, es  posible consultar con un abogado opciones migratorias, incluido  VAWA para và ­ctimas de violencia domà ©stica. Consejos para la entrevista y despuà ©s Si la entrevista tiene lugar en Estados Unidos y uno de los cà ³nyuges no habla bien inglà ©s, puede llevar a un intà ©rprete a las oficinas del USCIS. No se permite que el marido o la mujer que sà ­ habla inglà ©s traduzca para su cà ³nyuge en este tipo de situaciones.   Si todo va bien, como es realmente en la mayorà ­a de los casos, lo esposos de ciudadanos americanos deben saber que pueden obtener la ciudadanà ­a americana tras tres aà ±os de matrimonio. Es muy conveniente considerar la posibilidad de naturalizarse cuanto antes ya que hay importantes diferencias entre un ciudadano y un residente. De interà ©s para indocumentados que estn pensando en casarse Los migrantes indocumentados no siempre pueden legalizar su situacià ³n mediante una boda. Es muy conocer cules son las opciones en un  matrimonio con un ciudadano  y tener muy en cuenta que no hay opciones de ajustar estatus en los casos de  matrimonio con un residente. En estos casos lo ms aconsejable es consultar con un abogado migratorio antes de enviar papeles a Inmigracià ³n. Puntos clave Algunas residencias por matrimonio con ciudadano son condicionales La condicionalidad hay que levantarla a los dos aà ±os y dentro de plazoLa entrevista a los cà ³nyuges forma parte del trmite para levantar condicionalidadEl matrimonio de conveniencia para sacar los papeles es un fraude de leySi se levanta la condicionalidad, la green card se convierte en permanente Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Animal Farm A Study in the Relation Between Power Structures and the Fundamental Right to Freedom essays

Animal Farm A Study in the Relation Between Power Structures and the Fundamental Right to Freedom essays It has been widely acknowledged that George Orwell wrote Animal Farm with the express purpose of indicting Communism as a solution to social problems. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union it can, therefore, be argued that the work has lost its relevance, except perhaps, as a children's fable. To write the novel off in such a fashion would, however, be a mistake because a closer examination of the plot structure and the caricatures of various characters will reveal that the work has a timeless relevance. Indeed, if one were to disregard any preconception that Animal Farm should be interpreted as a satire on Communist Russia, it can be argued that the novel's main purpose is to highlight the negative effects of power structures in terms of suppressing and exploiting the weaker sections of society. The abuse of power, as a central theme, is especially apparent in the manner in which the characters of Boxer and Mollie are portrayed. Although the two possess diametrically opposite personalities, they share one thing in common and that is, they both reveal an inherent weakness, which ends up being exploited by the powers-that-be. Thus, it can be said that the characters of both Boxer and Mollie are used by Orwell to establish that as long as power structures exist, the freedom of individuals to pursue life, liberty, and happiness will always be Like most satires, Orwell uses allegory and irony to allow the reader to interpret the parallels being drawn between the personality trait in a particular animal character and human nature. However, Orwell does not merely stop at that. He also uses the plot structure in Animal Farm to establish that human society will always be a case of "all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others," (Orwell, p. 114) irrespective of arguments or claims to the contrary. Thus, Animal Farm begins with Old Major advising the animals that thei...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How did World War 1 help Canadian women get the vote Essay

How did World War 1 help Canadian women get the vote - Essay Example It won the audience with its wit and humor. In 1916, a women’s suffrage bill was passed. McClung moved to Edmonton and was elected to the Alberta legislature in 1921. She worked on the famous â€Å"Persons case†. ‘Until 1929, Senate seats were open only to â€Å"eligible persons† according to the constitution and the Supreme Court ruled that women were not â€Å"persons† and therefore not eligible for appointment to the Senate. McClung and several other women led the fight against this archaic notion. During World War I, some women in Canada were finally allowed to vote. And in 1919, all women over 21 had the right to vote in a federal election. ‘Women got the federal vote in 3 stages: the Military Voters Act of 1917 where nurses and women in the armed services were allowed to vote; the Wartime Election Act which extended the vote to women who had husbands, son or fathers serving overseas; and all women over 21 on January 1, 1919. _________ _____________________________________________________________________ 1. â€Å"A Country by Consent†, World War 1, 1914 – 1918. 2. Ibid. 3. Ibid. ‘On June 19th 1917, the House of Commons voted by 385 to 55 to accept the Representation of the People Bill’s women’s suffrage clause. Suffragists were encouraged to contact their MP’s to support the bill. ... Historians such as Martin Pugh believe that the vote in favor of female suffrage was simply a continuation of the way the issue had been moving before the war had started in 1914. ‘In 1911, there had been a similar vote to the one in 1917. Of the 194 MP’s who voted for the bills in both 1911 and 1917, only 22 had changed their stance. Fourteen had changed to being in favor of female suffrage and 4 changed from being for female suffrage in 1911 to being against it in 1917. This leaves a difference of only 14 – a long way of the 330 majority of 1917. This only proves that the direction the Parliament was moving in before August 1914 was a significant factor in the 1918 Representation of the People Act. The activities of the Suffragists and Suffragettes (the female members of the Women’s Social & Political Union who wanted to take part in the electoral process) pre-1914 have been more important at a political level than the work done by women in the war. Als o, the Parliament was very conscious on how the public would react if they would arrest women who had done important work for the nation during the war just because they wanted political rights after it. A continuation of the way things were going pre-1914 was an important factor as was the fear of social and political unrest in the aftermath of what had happened in Russia. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. â€Å"The Role of Women 1900 -1945†, 2010. 5. Ibid. 6. Ibid. ‘From 1910 to 1913, two issues dominated British politics: the clash between the Lords and the House of Commons and the continuing rise of militancy by the Suffragettes. The death of Emily Wilding Davison at the Derby in 1913 seemed to many to show that the very fabric of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How Free Should Speech Be Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

How Free Should Speech Be - Essay Example Nat Hantoff writes, â€Å"But nowhere in the First Amendment does it say that freedom of speech is limited only to ideas and symbols that further freedom, dignity and nonviolence.† Freedom of speech remains the pivotal assurance for the American society given by the founders of the constitution. Freedom of speech is like the double-edged sword and it is the twice-blessed responsibility. It blesses the receiver and it blesses the giver. Often the authorities have to walk on the razor’s edge to enforce the provisions of the freedom of speech when interests and cross interests of the different communities are involved. As such it is necessary to understand the scope of the word ‘freedom’ in the correct perspective. Its connotation also varies from one area to another. Philosophical freedom includes the ability to make choices without limitations, while political freedom is the state of being free to practice the choice of one’s political philosophy. Nat Hantoff quotes Aryeh Neier, â€Å"As a Jew, and a refugee from Nazi Germany, I have strong personal reasons for finding the Nazis repugnant. Freedom of speech protects my right to denounce Nazis with all the vehemence I think proper. Despite my hatred of their vicious doctrine, I realize that it is in my interest to defend their right to preach it.† Many positive developments have taken place in the area of freedom of speech for an individual or for a group of individuals professing and practising identical ideals.

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Traditional CD Marketing Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Traditional CD Marketing Company - Essay Example There has been a lot of change in the retailing environment in association with the issue of downloading digital resource. At the same time, many modern players in the retail CD market have cut out on the branch style of the organization and have streamlined so that they have fewer corporate offices and zones, and more time and attention to pay to its stars and customers. In terms of price, the competition is that of a rivalry between the traditional CD of music, bought at a retailer in a brick-and-mortar form, versus a song or album that is downloaded over the internet. â€Å"Nearly all of the leading OMPs provide the same standard set of features and pricing: $0.99 singles, a dedicated software client, and an extensive catalog of music from the five major labels plus many independents† (Lin, 2009). The current research must also look at the vital issue of how many people are downloading music for free over peer to peer (p2p) networks, or paying minimal amounts through servic es like iTunes, therefore seriously threatening the recording industry’s and the traditional CD retailing industry’s profits. From a modern perspective, one can also take a traditional view of the overall industry, in terms of development, production, distribution and retail, talking more about making CDs than about making mp3 files, and focusing on cost requirements for making a hit in music, developing this as a sort of artist investment process. On the other hand, in considering marketing and promoting costs, it is important to register the popularity of free internet downloading and how much of a threat this represents. The current research examines economic concepts before putting them in the context of CD vs. digital song retailing.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Parameters For Noise Pollution Measurement

Parameters For Noise Pollution Measurement Noise is defined as the sound which is unwanted or undesired for a particular community in a particular place. Sound is the form of energy which gives the sensation of hearing. It is produced by longitudinal mechanical waves in the matter and is transmitted by the oscillations of atoms and molecules of matter. Noise is basically a form of unwanted sound with a specific pitch, intensity, frequency, amplitude and other characteristics. The description of noise as an unwanted sound indicates that it has an unpleasant effect on human beings and their environment including land structure and domestic animals, also affecting wildlife and ecological cycles. Units of measurement: The unwanted sound or noise can be physically determined as a quantity with the unit called decibel (dB). Decibel is audio loudness measurement. It is the logarithmic unit that describes the ratio between sound intensity values or sound pressure values. 0dB is nominally the threshold of hearing and 85-90dB is nominally the threshold of pain while levels near 120dB may disturb normal body functioning. Noise and our hearing: The auditory function of the ear consists is the conduction of sound through the external and middle ears or cranial bones and their reception by the spiral organ of corti, the receptor of the auditory analyzer. The external and middle ear make up the sound conducting apparatus, while the internal ear, specially the organ of corti, makes up the sound perceiving apparatus. The auricle in man plays a role in collecting sound and determining their direction. Sound waves striking the tympanic membrane set it into vibrations. The drum being connected to the handle of malleus, these vibrations are transmitted to the ossicular window of the labyrinth, rocks in and out of the oval window according to the phase of sound vibration. The vibration of the foot plate of the stapes in the oval window sets up vibrations in the perilymph. These vibrations are transmitted to the basilar membrane, and the organ of corti which it supports. The vibration of the basilar membrane causes the hair cells of the spiral organ of corti to get in touch with the overhanging tectorial membrane. At the same time, the mechanical energy of excitation, which is conveyed to most delicate receptors of the auditory nerve to be passed further to its nuclei into the medulla to the temporal brain lobes where nerve impulses are interpreted as sounds heard. Normal hearing depends on the normal condition of the apparatus for sound perception and conduction. Human being can hear external sounds with a frequency of 16-20,000 cycles per second. When sound vibrations enter into the cochlea; the tiny hairs in the cochlea to move back and forth. If vibrations with a great intensity blast into the cochlea, these hairs, especially the stereocilia, can be flattened and damaged. NOISE POLLUTION Noise pollution is the pollution caused when the unwanted sound is dumped into the environment without taking concern of its adversaries it may have. It causes health hazards (auditory + non-auditory effects) to the people and also affects the surrounding environment as well as wildlife. PARAMETERS FOR NOISE POLLUTION MEASUREMENT: For noise emission measurement, change in several sound characteristics is determined for detecting and recording the accurate values in dB. Some of these measuring parameters are: Sound Power: It is defined as the energy of sound per unit time and is given by: W= E/t (j/s or Watts) Whereas, sound power level can be described as: Lw= 10 log (W/W0) Where: W= measured power from the sound source W0= reference power level (10-12 Watts) Sound Intensity: It is defined as the amount of energy per unit area in unit time that is perpendicular to the direction of travelling sound waves. It is also defined as the sound power transmitted per unit area and is given by: I = W/A (W/m2) The dynamic range of sound intensity for human hearing ranges from 10-12W/m2 to 10-100 W/m2. The highest sound intensity possible to hear is 10,000,000,000,000 times as loud as the quietest. The usage of intensity for describing human ear response over a linear scale is very difficult as it gives such large values. Therefore, a logarithmic scale is used instead of linear scale in which the intensity level is given by 10 times the logarithmic ratio of the actual intensity to the reference intensity value. The threshold of audible sound is 10-16 W/cm2; which is considered as 0 dB. Sound intensity level is given by: Lt= 10 log (I/I0) Where: I= intensity value measured (W/m2) I0= reference intensity (10-16W/m2) Sound Pressure: Sound pressure is defined as the force of sound per unit area perpendicular to the direction of sound waves. It is given by: P= F/A (N/m2 or Pa) The range of human hearing is 0.00002-20 Pa. the sound pressure level is given by: SPL= 20 log (P/P0) Where: P= measured sound pressure (Pa) P0= reference power level (2ÃÆ'-10-5 Pa) SOUND PRESSURE ( Pa) INTENSITY (W/m2) INTENSITY LEVEL (dB) 2ÃÆ'-10-5 10-12 0 2ÃÆ'-10-4 10-10 20 2ÃÆ'-10-1 10-4 80 2(2ÃÆ'-100) 10-2 100 20(2ÃÆ'-101) 10(100) 120 200(2ÃÆ'-102) 100(102) 140 Table 1.1- Showing relationship between sound pressure and intensity level CLASSIFICATION OF NOISE POLLUTION Depending on the source of generation, the pollution due to several types of noises can be divided into following types: COMMUNITY NOISE POLLUTION: Community noise pollution is mainly spreading in the environment due to various community noises. These community noises can be further sub-divided into: Road traffic noise: With rapid increase in number of road vehicles, traffic noise is increasing day by day. The noise is spreading mainly due to traffic speed as the volume of the noise enhances with the traffic speed, and as modern high ways and traffic systems encourage speed, the noise pollution phenomenon is raising rapidly. There is maximum noise pollution during morning and evening hours in urban areas. Heavy engine-trucks are the noisiest vehicles on road having at least 80-85dB level of noise. Domestic noise: This type includes all types of noises that are common in residential areas i.e. the noise of music players, television, burglar alarms, dog barking, residential construction noise etc. depending on its intensity and volume, residential or domestic noise can be source of annoyance to anyone. The noise level in residential areas ranges from 35-45dB and does not cause serious auditory disorders. Aircraft noise: The noise which is spreading in the environment mainly due to aviation activities i.e. phases of a flight including take off, landing and flying on a path. These aerodynamic activities have an adverse effect on the people associated with the flight processes but also the people residing near airports. These noise levels are much higher in ultra-flight aircraft having a peak near 100dB which is extremely hazardous to the health. Fig. 1.1- Aircraft noise pattern from a jet engine OCCUPATIONAL NOISE POLLUTION: Occupational noise pollution is the pollution which is present in the environment due to noises on work places, factories, and industries i.e. the noise of machines, tools, and other working equipment at work. Depending on the time of exposure, these noises have been divided into following three types: Continuous noise: It is defined as the noise whose maxima (highest levels) occur more often than once per second. It is produced by the machinery that operates without interruption e.g. pumps, compressors and processing equipments etc. Intermittent noise: The noise that is not continuous with time i.e., taking alternating periods of start and stop is called intermittent noise e.g. drill machines. NOISE SOURCE NOISE LEVEL(dB) Breathing 10 Conversation 20-30 House in a quiet street 35 Loud conversation 50-60 Office noise 60 Children playing 60 Lawn mower 60-80 Traffic noise 60-90 Sports car 85-90 Heavy truck 90-100 Electrically amplified music 120 Aircraft noise 90-120 Jet engine 140 Table 1.2-Sound sources and their intensities Impulse noise: It is the noise that gives rise to instantaneous sharp sound for a small time duration and then diminishes e.g. blasting. The sound pressure in this type may be from 40dB (minimum) to 200 plus dB (sufficient to destroy internal organs). Fig 1.2- intermittent noise from blasting HAZARDOUS EFFECTS OF THE NOISE POLLUTION Health effects on human beings: Noise pollution is being considered as one of the leading environmental hazards nowadays. From a simple ceiling fan to a heavy traffic sight, the sound affects our lives somehow. But it is the relative loudness that is hazardous to the man and the other life forms. Noise pollution affects the human beings in two ways which are: 1) auditory effect: when it interferes with the functions of hearing mechanism. 2) Non-auditory effects: where it interacts with the health and bodily functions other than our hearing organs. Fig.1.3- a brief chart description of noise pollution hazards on human health Auditory effects: The first organ that gets affected by the noise is the ear. More than 50% of our working community complains of tinnitus (continuous ringing noise) in the ear. Continuous exposure may lead to deafness or permanent loss of hearing. It is because of the complete destruction of the organ of corti that transmits sound from ear to brain. The levels at which a person can get affected by the noise exposure are given below: Sensorineural hearing loss, neural hearing loss is due to damage to auditory nerves, sensory hearing loss is due to damage to inner ear or cochlea resulting from repeated loud noise exposure. High noise levels can result in excessive ear-wax secretion, a damaged ear-drum or fluid in the inner ear. More serious affects include permanent deafness, pain and ringing in the ears. Non-auditory effects: Non-auditory effects can be defined as all the effects on health and welfare due to the noise exposure apart from the effects on the hearing organs. they affect the social behaviour of the objects also altering the normal biological functioning of the body. When the noise pollution is considered to cause hazards other than hearing disorders, annoyance is the most basic level by which it affects peoples actions and communication, which leads to stress showing further symptoms and thus showing illness. On the other hand, noise may not always cause annoyance first and can directly affect health. The degree to which it may affect the health depends on the parameters including the intensity, pressure, volume, duration and the nature of the noise. Annoyance: It is the most prevalent and well documented subjective response to the noise, including fear and mild anger. Noise is also seen as interfering into personal privacy, while its meaning for any individual is important in determining whether the person will be annoyed by it. Annoyance reactions are associated with the degree of interference that any noise causes in everyday activities, which probably precedes and leads on to annoyance. In both traffic and aircraft noise studies, the noise levels have been found to be associated with annoyance in a dose-response relationship. on the whole, it seems that the speech communication activities are most disturbed by aircraft noise while traffic noise is most disturbing for sleep,if present at night. Noise pollution and sleep interference: Exposure to the noise for a long duration disturbs sleep resulting in raised anxiety levels. Habituation is likely to occur with the continual exposure of the noise. Objective sleep disturbance will develop if more than 50 noise events per night with a maximum level of 50 dB are at indoors or more. But, for the outdoor noise levels the value is quite low for sleep disturbance. Noise exposure during sleep may elevate blood pressure, heart rate, pulse amplitude and affect body movements. Following disturbed sleep, there may also be after-effects during the day; perceived sleep quality, short temper and daily performance levels are decreased due to sleep disturbed by road traffic noise. Effects on performance: It has been concluded from the laboratory studies, that noise exposure impairs routine performance. If a speech is played in front of a person who is learning a particular subject, it will cause performance impairment. Such impairment is independent of the meaning or subject of the speech but depends on the relative loudness. Noise exposure also slows down the rehearsal and the of selectivity processes in memory, and the choice of strategies for a particular tasks. It has also been observed that noise may reduce helping behaviour, increase violence and reduce the obedience of social cues. Physiological responses: The continuous exposure to noise causes numerous short-term physiological responses as transmitted through the nervous system. Exposure to noise causes physiological activation including elevated heart rate and blood pressure, peripheral vasoconstriction and increased peripheral vascular resistance. There is habituation to brief noise exposure but to the prolonged noise, habituation is less certain. Cardiovascular effects: Studies have suggested that individuals continually exposed to continuous noise of at least 85 dB have higher blood pressure than those not exposed to noise. Noise exposure is also an indicator of exposure to physical and psycho-social factors, associated with high blood pressure. Aircraft noise pollution is found related to heart trouble and hypertension, more cardiovascular drug use and higher blood pressure. The effects of noise have been shown on systolic blood pressure (but not diastolic pressure), total cholesterol, total triglycerides, blood viscosity, platelet count and, glucose level. However, it was found that the prevalence of hypertension was higher among people exposed to aircraft noise levels of at least 55 dB or maximum levels above 72 dB around. There is some evidence from community studies that environmental noise is related to hypertension and there is also evidence that environmental noise may be a minor risk factor for coronary heart disease. A sudden exposure to noise may stimulate catecholamine secretion and precipitate cardiac dysrhythmias. Psychiatric effects: It has been found that persistent exposure to noise causing annoyance may lead to psychological disorders. Early studies showed that regular exposure to high levels of noise to the factory workers and inhabitants of overpopulated areas complain about nausea, headache, anxiety, restless nights, and edgy tempers. But recent studies do not confirm this association between air-craft and road noise and psychiatric disorders; and the weak association was established between road-traffic noise and mental depressiveness. Hence, it is now believed that environmental noise may seem related with certain psychological symptoms, but does not result in serious psychological disorders. However, enhanced noise levels may increase the possibility of such disorders. Effects on cognitive behaviour in children: It is of the common knowledge that children belong to a group which is especially vulnerable and sensitive to environmental pollution and all of its types. Their cognitive structure is developing and they lack the well-developed strategies to coop-up. Studies have found the Effect of environmental noise activities on the cognitive structure. The research shows that noise pollution does not affect all cognitive structures uniformly; affecting mainly central processing and understanding of the language. Difficulties have been found in concentration and visual attention. The reports describe that noise exposed children show more difficulty in concentrating than those who are less exposed. The test performed on primary school children living in over-populated areas showed them having poor auditory distinction and speech perception; affecting their reading ability, as well as their school performance than those living in quiet areas. Effect of noise pollution on wildlife: Noise pollution can be harmful to the animals. High enough levels of the noise pollution may interfere with the natural cycles of the animals, which may change their migration paths to avoid the sound; moreover, masking which is the inability to perceive sound of ecological cues and animal signals. Exposure of Desert Kangaroo Rats to dune buggy sounds (95 db at 4 meters, on and off for 500 seconds) caused a major reduction on detection distance for its principal predator the Rattlesnake. When the distance for the normal sand kicking response to the snakes presence was reduced from 40 cm to 2 cm, and it took three weeks for the rat to recover. Plenty of evidences exist to prove that serious damage is occurring to the wild animals. Long-term effects from medium to low level noise intrusion need much more study, with emphasis on threatened and endangered species. NOISE POLLUTION COUNTROL All the sources of noise including road traffic, heavy vehicles, airplanes, factory machines etc. contribute towards noise pollution in one way or another. Some of these sources may have tolerable noise levels but when combined together, these can cause serious risks. According to World Health Organization, noise pollution control is easiest among all kinds of pollution the world is facing today Several steps are needed to be implemented so as to improve environmental conditions and to attain healthy noise free environment. Some of these steps are following Public awareness measures are required to make people understand about noise pollution and to guide them about permissible noise levels by using print media and electronic media properly. Noise exposure may be reduced on personal level by usage of protective ear plugs and also steps are required to reduce of exposure time to noise. Engineering techniques such as altering and modifying the designs to reduce noise, construction of sound barriers and sound absorbers might be helpful. Academic institutions and hospitals can be shifted away from the noisy roads, railway stations and airports. Similarly, the heavy industries and factories ought to be formed away from residential areas. The usage of pressure horns and record players among all means of transportation must be banned by the government in order to reduce the noise intensity. Monitoring of sound levels should be carried out by the traffic police. Legal action should be taken against violators by the government. Law formation and implementation is required to lessen the hearing problems among factory workers. Vegetation programmes along the roads should be initiated as plants absorb and dissipate high energy sound waves.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Personal Philosophy: Child Development and Teaching Essay -- Teaching

Personal Philosophy Introduction Child development is divided into four areas of development; social / emotional, physical (motor), cognitive, and language. Typically children develop in a sequence of stages in each area. Although development normally follows the same series of stages, there are individual differences in what age each stage occurs. Development in part depends on the experiences a child encounters. According to Wardle (2004), young children learn from their total experience in a program. For example, children not only learn during teacher directed activities, they also learn while playing in interest areas, on the playground, while riding the bus, or during meals. Vygotsky saw the child as part of an active social world in which communication with others and self speech help the child understand the world around him/her. (Lefton, 2000). Another area that is crucial to a child’s development is the involvement of the child’s parent is his or her education. In order to be an effective teacher one must have a general understanding of all areas of development, the role the parents have in a child’s education, the importance of play on the child’s success, and the role the teacher plays in all of this. Physical (Motor) Development Physical development proceeds from head downward and from the body outward. An infant develops control of the head first. In the next few months, the infant will be able to use their arms to lift themselves up. Between six and twelve months, the infant is able to crawl, stand, or walk as they gain control of the legs. Movement dominates the first year of toddlerhood. beginning with the skills he / she develops as an infant. During this period, todd... ... obtain the language ability necessary for later success in life. Works Cited: Brown, K. and Fitzpatrick, T. and Morrison, G. (2004, Fall). Involving Diversity in Classrooms Through Family Involvement. Dimensions. 11-16. Arkansas. Southern Early Childhood Association. Charlesworth, R. (2004). Understanding Child Development (6th ed.). New York. Thomas Delmar Learning Inc. Dodge, D. , Colker, L., and Heroman, C. (2002) The Creative Curriculum for Preschoolers (4th ed).Washington, D.C. Teaching Strategies Riddle, E. (1999, March 8). Lev Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory. Retrieved November 1, 2004, from the World Wide Web; Wardle, F. (2004, Summer). A Look At Curriculum. Children and Families p.54. Alexandria, Virginia. National Head Start Association.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Importance of Setting

The path to becoming an adult is lined with a variety of childhood and adolescent experiences, some more painful than others. In T. Coraghessen Boyle’s short story, â€Å"Greasy Lake,† Boyle masterfully uses the setting and the protagonist’s experience to teach us an old but vital lesson: those who choose not to learn and grow from their past mistakes are destined to repeat them, and thus will never mature and realize their true potential.At the beginning of the story, the main character (who also happens to be the narrator) depicts his adolescence as â€Å"a time when courtesy†¦went out of style, when it was good to be bad, when you cultivated decadence like a taste† (621). The three thought of themselves as dangerous characters, riding around town wreaking havoc. However, it seems unclear to the main character and his two friends that in reality, they are not actually bad characters. Really bad characters don’t drive their â€Å"parents†™ whining station wagons† (621) or read intellectual French novels by Andre Gide.Boyle gives us a general thought that these three boys are just your ordinary, everyday, misguided juvenile delinquents with an unclear view of what it really means to be a man. Later in the story, the narrator depicts a scene at the main setting of â€Å"Greasy Lake. † There, the three boys provoke who is described as the â€Å"very bad character† (623). The events that took place led the three to realize the ugly truth: they are nothing more than just three kids on an adventure for the night; little did they know what was in store for them.After a lengthy description of the fight that took place between the four characters, the three boys find themselves attempting to rape the girl that was accompanying the â€Å"very bad character. † Luckily, before they can go any farther, another vehicle pulls into the scene, scaring the boys as the flee away. They all run in different directions, leaving them all separated from each other. The main character, with no place else to hide, plunges into the greasy lake.The water is completely contaminated; â€Å"it was fetid and murky, the mud banks glittering with broken glass and strewn with beer cans and the charred remains of bonfires† (622). The setting of â€Å"Greasy Lake† contributes to the plot in a sense of the troubles of the three teenage boys. Much of the story takes place at Greasy Lake, which is not an ordinary, everyday, swimming with the family type of lake. There are crowded trees, which draws a picture of a dark forest with very little light seeping through. The island in the middle of the lake has little or no vegetation, giving the reader a feeling of death.It is also littered with things such as beer cans, broken glass, and bonfire remains. These are items that make you think of loss of control, violence, or even destruction. These ideas could surely lead to something bad happening . The water itself is described as â€Å"fetid and murky† (622). There are two different aspects of time to consider when looking at â€Å"Greasy Lake. † First of all, there is the fact that it is 2 a. m. The middle of the night is commonly a time of day when bad things occur. It is probably considered that the good, peaceful people are at home in bed.Therefore, if someone is up and about they are most likely wreaking havoc. Secondly, there is the year that the story takes place. It was written in the eighties, and it takes place in a time when â€Å"it was good to be bad† (621). Therefore, it is likely that something bad is sure to occur. The setting also serves a very important purpose to most stories by evoking a certain atmosphere. Work Cited Boyle, T. Coraghessan. â€Å"Greasy Lake. † 621 Kirszner, Laurie G. , and Stephen R. Mandell, eds. Literature: Reading, Writing. 8th ed. Boston: Wadsworth, 2013 Print.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Longest Words in the German Language

The Longest Words in the German Language The classic longest German word is Donaudampfschiffahrtsgesellschaftskapitn, clocking in with 42 letters. In English, it becomes four words: Danube steamship company captain. However, its not the only super long word in the German language and, technically, its not even the longest. German Spelling Most languages, including English, string smaller words together to form longer ones, but the Germans take this practice to new extremes. As Mark Twain said, Some German words are so long that they have a perspective. But is there really such a thing as the longest German word...  das lngste deutsche Wort? Some of the suggested longest words are artificial creations. They are never used in daily spoken or written German, which is why well look at some words that far surpass our 42-letter title winner mentioned above.   For all practical purposes, this longest-word contest is really just a game. Its more fun than practical and German just happens to offer us some really long words. Even a German or English Scrabble board only has room for 15 letters, so you wont find much use for these. Yet, if youd like to play the longest-word game, here are a few selected items to consider. The 6 Longest German Words (Lange  Deutsche  Wà ¶rter) These words are listed in alphabetical order, with their gender and letter count. Betubungsmittelverschreibungsverordnung(die, 41 letters) Its a mesmerizing word that is rather difficult to read. This lengthy one refers to a regulation requiring a prescription for an anesthetic. Bezirksschornsteinfegermeister(der, 30 letters) This word may be short in comparison to those below, but it is a real word that you might be able to use someday, but even thats not likely. Roughly, it means a head district chimney sweep. Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizittenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft(one word, no hyphen)  (die, 79 letters, 80 with the new German spelling that adds one more f in ...dampfschifffahrts...) Even the definition is a mouthful: association of subordinate officials of the head office management of the Danube steamboat electrical services (the name of a pre-war club in Vienna). This word is not really useful; its more of a desperate attempt to lengthen the word below. Donaudampfschifffahrtsgesellschaftskapitn(der, 42 letters) As mentioned, in classic German this is considered the longest word. Its meaning of Danube steamship company captain makes it unusable for the majority of us, though. Rechtsschutzversicherungsgesellschaften(die, plur., 39 letters) This is one you might actually be able to pronounce if you take it one syllable at a time. It means, legal protection insurance companies.  According to Guinness, this was the longest German dictionary word in everyday usage. However, the word below is a longer legitimate and official longest word- in semi-everyday usage, anyway. Rindfleischetikettierungsà ¼berwachungsaufgabenà ¼bertragungsgesetz(das, 63 letters) This hyper word references a beef labeling regulation and delegation of supervision law.  This was a 1999 German Word of the Year, and it also won a special award as the longest German word for that year. It refers to a law for regulating the labeling of beef- all in one word, which is why it is so long. German also likes abbreviations, and this word has one: ReÃÅ"AÃÅ"G. German Numbers (Zahlen) There is another reason why there really isnt a single longest German word. German numbers, long or short, are written as one word. For example, to say or write the number 7,254 (which is not really a very long number), the German is siebentausendzweihundertvierundfà ¼nfzig. That is a single word of 38 letters, so you could imagine what larger and more complex numbers may look like. For this reason, its not difficult at all to make a number-based word that far exceeds any of the other words weve discussed. Longest English Words For comparison sake, what are the longest words in English? Contrary to popular belief, the record holder is not supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (an invented word made famous in the movie Mary Poppins). Just as in German, there is disagreement about which word is actually the longest. Theres little argument, however, that English cant keep pace with German in this department. The English languages two contenders are: Antidisestablishmentarianism  (28 letters):  This is a legitimate dictionary word from the 19th century meaning opposition to the separation of church and state. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis  (45 letters):  The literal meaning of this term is lung disease caused by breathing in silica dust. Linguists claim this is an artificial word and that it does not deserve true longest word billing. Likewise, there are many technical and medical terms in English that qualify as long words. However, they are usually excluded from consideration for the longest word game.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

breathless essays

breathless essays Wild Strawberrys has a special technique that is used in it and this thchnique is the use of a dream sequence. In these dream sequences Isak walks through a desolate city, and is approached by a faceless man, he sees a clock without hands, and watches a funeral wagon crash and leave a coffin in the middle of the street. As he nears the coffin, it opens, and the corpse , being Isak once again, emerges and attempts to pull him into the afterlife. The visual and audio symbolism is disturbing, and the entire scene is perfectly incorporated into the 'reality' of the rest of the film. One level of the plot is the dreams representing a journey that takes Isak back home to his past summers In the first dream, there is a representation of hearts as clocks beating and stopping.there is a coffin image as powerful as the shower scene in "Psycho," the dream announces the end-of-life in which Isak finds himself. ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Utilization of the law and its processes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Utilization of the law and its processes - Essay Example There are of course many different areas of the law in the UK and these various areas cover situations that might be civil or criminal in nature. These are the main two categories of the law in the UK which many smaller laws branch off from. As was stated the main purpose is to try and keep as much of a sense of normalcy to life as possible, which in order to do that there is a strong need for law which acts as a mediator in society of many sorts (Scottish Executive Justice 2006). The law is a set of legal principles that mandate human behaviors and interactions in society. The various sets of rules or (social norms) depict what behavior is acceptable and what isn't. Also, they ensure equality when it seems to be lacking and in criminal areas the law guarantees punishment to those who break the established laws in a society (Blackstone 1997). Logically the aim of the law in the UK is to keep civil disputes minimized and for civil problems that do arise the aim is to provide fair and proper representation so that equal justice can be served. In criminal law the aim is to guarantee to those in society that a criminal offender will be punished based on the judgment passed down by the judicial system for their maladaptive behaviors and the harm that they intend to promote in society. 1.4 Classification of the Law As has been said there are different categories and classifications of the law but the two main bodies are Civil and Criminal. The other branches of the law stem from these main forms of the legal process. For instance property issues would fall under civil law while crimes of robbery and rape would fall under criminal jurisdiction. 1.5 Civil Law The civil laws in the UK function somewhat differently than the criminal laws do as they are basically controlled by the judges and the judicial system itself. Civil law is guided by civil codes and principles which are slightly variant as well basically due to the fact that civil law has an extremely wide berth. The following bulleted outline details and defines the majority of areas that are dictated by civil law in society, however there are quite a few more. Areas under Guidance of Civil Law Adults with Incapacity: Representation is given for those who do not have the mental capacity to represent themselves Bankruptcy: takes place due to fault of debtor not repaying their incurred debt Civil Courts and Tribunals: The court of session and the Sheriff's court deal with matters relative to compensation claims, debt and family issues, employment, social security, and administration Civil Partnership: A new law put into effect to provide a means of legal protection for couples not following the traditional forms of marriage, such as couples of the same sex (basically for cohabitation) Debt and Enforcement: enforces civil obligations such as debt European Justice: Involves EU legal structure Family Law: this is of course a large berth area which covers marriage, divorce, parental rights, and other family related issues Gender Recognition: mean for transsexuals to be able to apply for legal identity from their sex

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Eminent Domain (Real Estate Analysis) Research Paper

Eminent Domain (Real Estate Analysis) - Research Paper Example In most cases use of eminent domain by real estate developers results in disputes and court proceedings referred to as condemnation proceedings. Additionally, use of eminent domain by private agents can result in increased corruption since the agents can use the process to enable them pay less for property. In some cases, government official have been involved in corruption whereby they have used eminent domain to acquire private property and later sold it to private developers. The power of eminent domain is restrained by public clause of Fifth Amendment, which requires that the government provide adequate evidence for the acquisition in addition to just compensation before seizing private property for public use (Aycock and Black 53-54). Initially, the eminent domain was used to obtain private properties for public uses such as schools, roads, and parks. However, the eminent domain has been expanded and is often used to include other project meant to benefit the public. Real estate agents are thus able to employ the power of eminent domain when they want to acquire property for purposes such as urban renewal projects. Several real estate agents help in fostering development, which is crucial for economic growth. They are thus empowered by eminent domain to acquire property for commercial development (Aycock and Black 53-55). There are many questions regarding the legitimacy of eminent domain especially when it is used to acquire property for private developers such as real estate agents. Although the government is required to provide evidence that the project is for public benefit, there are question on how some real estate projects benefit the public. Additionally, ways of calculating of the just compensation is questionable. Therefore, it is important that the government exercise eminent domain carefully since it affect the constitutional rights of the property owners (Cook Web). Transfer of property land to real estate agents entails