Friday, August 21, 2020

Cervantes Don Quixote Essay Example For Students

Cervantes Don Quixote Essay Cervantes most prominent work, Don Quixote, is a special book ofmultiple measurements. From the snapshot of its appearance ithas interested perusers or made them think, and itsinfluence has stretched out in writing not exclusively to works ofsecondary esteem yet in addition to those which have universalimportance. Wear Quixote is a nation respectable man, anenthusiastic visionary crazed by his perusing of sentiments ofchivalry, who rides forward to safeguard the persecuted and toright wrongs; so distinctively was he introduced by Cervantes thatmany dialects have acquired the name of the saint as thecommon term to assign an individual roused by grandiose andimpractical standards. The subject of the book, in short, concerns Hidalgo AlonsoQuijano, who, on account of his perusing in books aboutchivalry, comes to accept that all that they state is trueand chooses to turn into a knight-errant himself. He assumesthe name of Don Quixote de la Mancha and, accompaniedby a worker, Sancho Panza, who serves him as a squire,sets forward looking for undertakings. Wear Quixote interpretsall that he experiences as per his readings andthus envisions himself to be living in a world very differentfrom the one recognizable to the normal men he meets. Windmills are consequently changed into monsters, and thisillusion, along with numerous others, is the reason for thebeatings and misfortunes endured by the gutsy saint. After the knights second sally looking for adventure,friends and neighbors in his town choose to drive him toforget his wild extravagant and to reintegrate himself into hisformer life. The knight demands following his calling,but toward the finish of the initial segment of the book they make himreturn to his home by methods for a wily trick. In thesecond part the hidalgo leaves for the third time andalternately gives sign of indiscretion and of astuteness in adazzling exhibit of imaginative developments. Be that as it may, presently even hisenemies drive him to relinquish his undertakings. Wear Quixotefinally perceives that sentiments of gallantry are negligible lyinginventions, however after recouping the lucidity of his psyche, heloses his life. The possibility that Don Quixote is an image of the noblestgenerosity, devoted to the reason for doing gooddisinterestedly, proposes the ethical regular denominatorto be found in Cervantes creation. In any case, furthermore tofurnishing an ethical sort equipped for being perceived andaccepted as an image of qualities in whenever or place, DonQuixote is a masterpiece with the same number of viewpoints and reflectionsas it has perusers to look for them. Contemplations of generalmorality in this way become intermixed with the psychologicaland tasteful experience of every individual peruser in a waythat limitlessly invigorated the improvement of the abstract genrelater known as the novel, and Fielding, Dickens, Flaubert,Stendhal, Dostoyevsky, and numerous others have subsequently beeninspired by Cervantes. In Madame Bovary, is GustaveFlaubert, for instance, the courageous woman changes the orientationof her life since she, similar to Don Quixote, has perused herromances of valor, the sen timental books of the nineteenthcentury. Cervantes showed toward the Western world how poetryand dream could exist together with the experience of realitywhich is distinguishable to the faculties. He did this bypresenting beautiful reality, which recently had beenconfined to the perfect district of dream, as somethingexperienced by a genuine individual, and the fantasy consequently becamethe truth of any man living his fantasy. Subsequently, thetrivial certainty that a poor hidalgo loses his purpose behind one causeor another is of little significance. The development is thatDon Quixotes franticness is changed over into the topic of hislife and into a subject for the life of others, who areaffected as much by the frenzy of the hidalgo as is hehimself. Some need him to return to his state of apeaceful and inactive hidalgo; others might want him tokeep on diverting or stunning individuals with his deeds,insane and savvy simultaneously. .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2 , .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2 .postImageUrl , .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2 , .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2:hover , .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2:visited , .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2:active { border:0!important; } .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2:active , .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2:hover { mistiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u8b68f9cf85b53 07feb6a764c3e490de2 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u8b68f9cf85b5307feb6a764c3e490de2:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Chapterhouse Dune EssayBefore Cervantes, writing was, as event offered,fantastic, optimistic, naturalistic, moralistic, or instructive. After his time, writing kept on misusing all thesetypes, however with them it was slanted to fuse, as well,some perusers experience of them. Sentiments of chivalrycould now accomplish a noteworthiness past that of unimportant booksand could become what individuals felt or thought about them,thus developing to be the extremely powerful working of livingpersons. In Don Quixote, for instance, the saint takes themfor the gospel; the minister trusts them to be bogus; theinnkeeper respects the colossal passes up theknights; his girl is taken by the nostalgic perspective

Sunday, July 12, 2020

What Are Process Analysis Essay Topics?

What Are Process Analysis Essay Topics?When writing a good process analysis essay, the reader needs to know what the purpose of the essay is before starting to read it. This will help them better understand how you can address the issues that are presented.In today's world of technology, we use computers and information almost constantly. In this environment, the potential for errors can be large. Therefore, if the writer does not take steps to correct any errors that may be introduced by the computer, the essay could potentially be disqualified.It is imperative that the student understands these important parts of the essay. It is easy to get wrapped up in the technical details of the essays and forget the purpose of the research and facts that are presented. It is very important that the essay cover all of the bases in its assessment of the processes that have occurred.It is also important that the writer understands how he or she can effectively produce his or her own research. St udents often find it difficult to figure out how to conduct their own research on time, in cost, and with reliability. The student who is able to perform the necessary steps is more likely to be successful in the essay.The second most critical point to address in an essay is that the final paper should show that the student understands the theory and concrete methods that can be used. An excellent essay should have a convincing conclusion that gets the reader to remember the material better. This should be in addition to the introduction and summary of the material.The method used in the essay must include examples of how the data or methods were successfully utilized to arrive at a conclusion. It is also important that the student research or find someone who has done the work and ask them about the facts that were presented. This is the only way that the students will be able to see how others can effectively use the methods that were used.Presenting the facts is not enough. In or der to make the facts real and tangible, the student should be able to describe what happened and the method that was used to obtain the data. This is the key to success when it comes to presentation of the facts in the essay.These are just some of the most important parts of the process analysis. Although the process does take a while to complete, it can be made easier by having good research and good facts when writing a good essay. Taking care to do your research and finding the best data for the purpose of your essay can make a huge difference in your final output.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Johann Friedrich Struensee Biography

Though he was an important figure in Danish history, German physician Johann Friedrich Struensee is not particularly well known in Germany. The period he lived in, the late 18th century, is known as the Age of Enlightenment. New schools of thought were introduced and revolutionary ideas made their way to courts, Kings,  and Queens. Some of the policies of European rulers were heavily coined by the likes of Voltaire, Hume, Rousseau or Kant. Born and schooled in Halle, Struensee soon moved close to Hamburg. He studied medicine and, just like his grandfather, he was to become personal physician to the Danish King, Christian VII. His father Adam was a high-ranking cleric, thus Struensee came from a very religious home. After he had already finished his university career at the age of twenty, he chose to become a doctor for the poor in Altona (today a quarter of Hamburg, Altona used to be a Danish city from 1664-1863). Some of his contemporaries criticized him for using new methods in medicine and his rather modern worldviews, as Struensee was a strong supporter of many enlightened philosophers and thinkers. As Struensee had already been in contact with the royal Danish court, he was picked as the personal physician for King Christian VII while the latter traveled through Europe. Throughout their journey, the two men became close friends. The King, in a long line of Danish Kings with severe mental issues, known for his wild antics without regard to his young wife, Queen Caroline Mathilde, sister of the English King George III. The country was more or less ruled by a council of aristocrats, which made the King sign every new law or regulation. When the travel party returned to Copenhagen in 1769, Johann Friedrich Struensee joined them and was appointed the permanent personal physician to the King, who’s escapades got the best of him once more.  Ã‚   Just as in any good movie, Struensee got to know the Queen Caroline Mathilde and they fell in love. As he saved the crown prince’s life, the German doctor and the royal family became very close. Struensee managed to rekindle the King’s interest in politics and started influencing him with his enlightened views. Right from the start of his involvement with the King’s affairs, many members of the royal council looked upon Johann Friedrich with suspicion. Nonetheless, he became more and more influential and quite soon the Christian appointed him to the royal council. As the King’s mind drifted away more and more, Struensee’s power increased. Soon he presented Christian with numerous laws and legislation that changed the face of Denmark. The King willingly signed them. While issuing many reforms that were supposed to better the situation of the peasants, amongst other things making Denmark the first country to abolish serfdom, Struensee managed to weaken the royal council’s power. In June 1771, Christian named Johann Friedrich Struensee Secret Cabinet Minister and gave him the general power of attorney, de facto making him the absolute ruler of the Danish Kingdom. But whereas he developed an incredible efficiency in issuing new legislation and enjoyed a harmonious love life with the Queen, dark clouds started to tower on the horizon. His conservative opposition to the basically powerless royal council turned to intrigue. They used the rather new technology of printing to discredit Struensee and Caroline Mathilde. They spread flyers all over Copenhagen, stirring up the people against the opaque German physician and the English Queen. Struensee didn’t really pay attention to these tactics, he was far too busy, radically changing the cou ntry. In fact, the rate at which he issued new laws was so high he even opposed those powers at the court that weren’t actually opposed to many of the changes he made. Though, to them, the changes came too fast and went too far. In the end, Struensee became so involved with his work, that he didn’t see his downfall coming. In a cloak-and-dagger operation, the opposition made the now almost moronic King sign an arrest warrant for Struensee, marking him a traitor for consorting with the Queen – a crime punishable by death – and further charges. In April 1772, Johann Friedrich Struensee was executed, while Caroline Mathilde was divorced from Christian and eventually banned from Denmark. After his death, most of the changes Struensee had made to Danish legislation were undone.​ The dramatic story of the German doctor who ruled Denmark and – for a short while – made it one of the most advanced countries at the time, who fell in love with the Queen and ended up being executed, has been the topic of many books and movies, even though not as many as you might think.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Characteristics Of Humans Are Not Solely Based On...

Who We Are The characteristics of humans are not solely based on their genetic makeup. Environmental factors of people’s lives play a large factor on their persona; in fact, environmental factors, such as communities and living conditions, could have more of an impact on humans’ personality rather than their genes. In Berreby’s â€Å"It Takes a Tribe†, he claims that humans subconsciously join groups to fulfill their sense of belonging (9). On the contrary, in Greenbie’s â€Å"Home Space: Fences and Neighbors†, he notes how humans need their own individual space to regulate social interactions with others and their own privacy (248). Although both Berreby and Greenbie advance on different paths when exploring the psychological aspects of relationships among humans, both writers indicate that human nature serves as a drive for people to fulfill their social desires during the journey of finding one’s individuality. The most important factors that contribute to one’s character are the choices he or she makes and the environment that the person lives in. Even though humans do not have the ability to fully choose their environmental surroundings, they are greatly influenced by them. Berreby claims that college students are aware that they could have ended up at other universities; however, students still culturally assimilate to their college’s traditions and maintain their loyalty throughout their lifetime, allowing their college to become a part of their identity (8-10). Being loyal toShow MoreRelatedTheories Of Criminology And Criminal Behavior952 Words   |  4 Pagesand skulls belonged to which racial groups before the measurements were taken. During the mid to late 1800’s Cesare Lombroso based his scientific theories of criminology on Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. 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Baz Luhrmanns Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet Essay Example For Students

Baz Luhrmanns Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet Essay Baz Luhrmanns version of Act 1 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet explores various themes of love, conflict and feuds. Luhrmann uses many techniques in his own style of directing, such as different types of camera work, editing and the soundtrack, similarly to Moulin Rouge which is also directed by Luhrmann, to convey the characters and atmosphere in this timeless classic. My essay will analyse these directing techniques by looking at the pros and cons in that scene, making is easier to determine which techniques express the different characters and moods in a particular way. The various techniques Luhrmann uses in his version, like lighting and ambient colours, give the viewer a frenzied atmosphere. Throughout the scene we see tense and tranquil moments which Luhrmann uses to relate to the situations in which Romeo and Juliet are in. Right at the beginning, when Romeo enters the party, the camera movement is very slow and unsteady. We see close shots of Romeos face when he shows his invitation card to the man at the entrance. Here we get a clear picture of his expressions which helps the viewer keep up with his emotions or moods as they change. Baz Luhrmann uses eye-line matching, still while the camera is tilting from one event to another, to indicate that Romeo is not in his normal state of mind because he is blinking his eyes in a disorientated manner. Later on when he mentions in a quiet tone The drugs are quick, reaffirms this and suggests hes in his own world. Luhrmann is using the costumes the characters are wearing to reflect on their character and roles that they are shown to take up. At the opening of the party we see Romeo dressed up as a knight. Romeo is symbolising the knight in shining armour at the party to rescue Juliet, the damsel in distress, from her controlled and constrained lifestyle at the Capulet household. The audience soon begin to realise that if they were to meet, this could spark of arguments between the two houses which underlines the theme of conflict and family feuds. Also still while Romeo is entering the party, the camera slow cuts on spinning fireworks high up on the mansion wall. Luhrmann is using the swirling fireworks on the wall to symbolise Romeos mind-state or emotions. The audience could get the impression here that Romeo is emotionally spinning out of control from his current love relationship. In reality most of the audience know Romeo will eventually meet Juliet and fall in love with her at first site. The fact that they cannot be together allows the audience to sympathise with Romeo because this helps them relate to themselves and are expecting to see a weaker side of him. Luhrmann shows Mercutio coming to the party hyper and uses slow motion to help the audience focus on him and things around him even more. The guns surrounding him dont necessarily portray him as having a violent nature but suggest that violence and danger revolves around him no matter if he likes it or not because hes in a position and status of power. Again in here the theme of conflict is brought up. As Romeo is looking around in a dazed behaviour, he sees Tybalt but Tybalt doesnt notice him. The medium high angle shot on Tybalt can symbolise him lowering himself and his dignity by his actions and his evil personality depicted throughout the film. Tybalts devil costume highlights this aspect about him even further and already puts across a bad impression of him to the audience watching. In the first quarter of scene 5, while Mercutio is singing Kim Mazzelles Young Hearts Run Free, we see Luhrmann frequently using slow cuts to focus the audiences attention and concentration on words spoken or visual props which could reflect on characters in the scene or the mood/s. This brings the audiences awareness of what Mercutio is singing young hearts run free. To yourself be true, dont be no fool. Luhrmann has cleverly used these lyrics to reflect of the love of Romeo and Juliet and their relationship to come which acts as a hint to Romeo try get passed any obstacles for love, even if it involves death. The first time Romeo and Juliet meet. Their costumes echo their positions in life and their relationship because despite being dressed as a knight he is still human and Juliet is dressed as an angel who is out of his reach. Beowulf and Grendel - Book and Film EssayThe camera watching from far could imply its something dangerous and wants to keep its distance from whatever Tybalt will or is thinking of doing. A good way Baz Luhrmann conveys Capulets power is when Capulet is holding Tybalt as if hes in control of him and would not tolerate rebellion against him. Baz Luhrmann uses a low angle shot when showing Capulet scolding Tybalt and having Capulet above the camera signifies he is an important and powerful person because it is as if the audience is looking up at someone superior. Capulet being upstairs where there is no one could symbolise a higher place like heaven where powerful people watch you from there. Tybalt getting enraged over Romeo suggests that he is disrupting that solemnity and peace that you are meant to have in heaven. This shows Capulets position and status as someone with authority and has power over everything, which could be why is dressed as Caesar. Capulet affirms his authority over Tybalt by looking him straight in the eyes to make sure he realises that he is serious and doesnt to be double crossed by someone he sees inferior. This conveys Capulets character as someone who has good control over a situation because he can be serious when he finds appropriate and knows he needs to be welcoming throughout the party to keep his guests pleased. In this particular moment Luhrmann uses both high and low angles to convey the different positions or statuses that Romeo and Juliet are in. Romeo is down looking up at the princess or gazing at the stars which he cannot get, this is already a tragedy because he was meant to be the knight in shining armour there to get the princess. Juliet is like the cursed beauty that has to marry someone who her parents want. Lady Capulet who leads Paris, Juliets intended marriage and Juliet upstairs. The costume Paris is wearing, an astronauts suit, symbolises him as also out of this world and someone who is meant to be up there with Juliet. This introduces a new theme of Fate which goes against Romeo and Juliets love all throughout the film. Luhrmann uses medium shot eye-line matching while Romeo and Juliet have eventually found out who their real identities are and realise the reality dawning on them. This is seen as the beginning and the end of the whole relationship. This event helps the viewers feel more sympathetic towards Romeo and Juliet because so far both Romeo and Juliets characters are seen as pure and loving. While Juliet is dancing with Paris after being taken away from Romeo by the nurse, she is constantly looking at Romeo and he is also admiring her. This is shown by the eye-line matching. The eye-line matching is done in fast cuts which continually indicate their desire for each other because they dont want to lose sight of each other. This shows their love-stricken feelings and emphasises their love to the viewer. The soundtrack in the background is Desree singing Im kissing you while Romeo and Juliet are repeatedly looking at each other, the mood in here is romantic and every time the viewer hears those lyrics, the audience notices that RJ are looking at each implying that is what theyre thinking of. Throughout this incident of RJ finding out each others identities. Luhrmann uses slow cuts and the camera movement is also slow. This technique intensifies the moment and gives impact to the audiences reactions because by now weve established that the audience have sympathy for RJ. Overall, this film has successfully used various types of method to convey different character, themes and moods by using a great number of directing techniques with Baz Luhrmanns own style. Luhrmann has used all of the Act 1 Scene 5s aspects to create tension and suspense for the audience in different ways. On the whole, Baz Luhrmanns version of Act 1 Scene 5 has shown and proven that the film has more to it than it seems and viewers need to read between the lines to understand the full meaning and message of the film.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Semantic Publishing - Relevant Recommendations Create a Unique User Experience

Semantic Publishing Relevant Recommendations Create a Unique User Experience Semantic Publishing includes a number of techniques including semantic recommendations used to personalize the user experience by delivering contextual content based on natural language processing, search history, user profiles and semantically enriched data.Finding things quickly is one of the things we all like about Google. When we search using Google, we typically find what we are looking for. What if your organization had the same powerful search and discovery capabilities?Today more than ever, companies struggle with search and discovery. Massive volumes of unstructured data contain meaning but its hard to find in all the noise. Policy analysts search through compliance documents.   Authors search through historical content. Clinical trials researchers cull through Mount-Everest-like text relating to drugs, adverse effects, research and more. It never seems to end.But what if you could find the exact document, the precise paragraph and the perfect reference to a specific topi c instantly? Better yet, what if your website visitors could do that as well? Publishing and Semantic TechnologyIts all possible.In fact, this is being done by some of the largest media, publishing, pharma and government organizations in the world. The application of semantic technology to accomplish this goal manifests itself in many ways. Internal users gain access to relevant content enabling them to do their job faster. External users find exactly what they need relevant, contextual content personalized for them.This is much more than simple content tagging. When you decompose this process and technology, what you find is that semantic recommendation engines are analyzing a lot of data. For starters, they know the web visitor profile and search history.But operating behind the scenes is a much deeper semantic technology that extracts concepts and entities from the articles viewed. Results are stored in a high-performance triplestore for search, analysis and discovery purposes. The magic happens when the profile and search history are matched to the newly structured semantic facts and the current search criteria.Enters Semantic RecommendationAt Ontotext we call this semantic recommendations (a subset of semantic publishing) because our customers are able to instantly deliver highly relevant, recommended articles. At the same time, hundreds of queries per second are taking place on your website, authors can be enriching new content, which is committed to the database and available for the next search. Simultaneously, the text is being processed, entities are classified and the same person with different name spellings are being identified and stored. This semantic wizardry is known as semantic annotation that has a series of techniques at its core. Semantic enrichment allows users to enrich entities with valuable information used in identity resolution and search. Semantic publishing assembles and delivers personalized web pages using a variety of unstructured data types and semantic facts about the people, places or organizations that the visitor is searching for. Semantic curation prompts authors or researchers with relevant curated content as they write. We could go on and onThe bottom line on all of this is one word: Productivity.Everyone wins. Researchers find content faster. Decision makers are accurately informed using a combination of real-world facts and their own data. Writers produce more content. Website visitors get recommendations they never thought were possible.Want to learn more about semantic publishing?

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights

Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights The aurora borealis, also called the Northern Lights, is a multi-colored brilliant light show in the Earths atmosphere that is caused by the collision of gas particles in the Earths atmosphere with charged electrons from the suns atmosphere. The aurora borealis is most often viewed at high latitudes close to the magnetic north pole but during times of maximum activity, they can be viewed very far south of the Arctic Circle. Maximum auroral activity is rare however and the aurora borealis is normally only seen in or near the Arctic Circle in places like Alaska, Canada, and Norway. In addition to the aurora borealis in the northern hemisphere there is also the aurora australis, sometimes called the Southern Lights, in the southern hemisphere. The aurora australis is created the same way as the aurora borealis and it has the same appearance of dancing, colored lights in the sky. The best time to view the aurora australis is from March to September because the Antarctic Circle experiences the most darkness during this period. The aurora australis is not seen as often as the aurora borealis because they are more concentrated around Antarctica and the southern Indian Ocean. How the Aurora Borealis Works The aurora borealis is a beautiful and fascinating occurrence in the Earths atmosphere but its colorful patterns begin with the sun. It occurs when highly charged particles from the suns atmosphere move into the Earths atmosphere via the solar wind. For reference, the solar wind is a stream of electrons and protons made of plasma that flow away from the sun and into the solar system at around 560 miles per second (900 kilometers per second) (Qualitative Reasoning Group). As the solar wind and its charged particles enter the Earths atmosphere they are pulled toward the Earths poles by its magnetic force. While moving through the atmosphere the suns charged particles collide with the oxygen and nitrogen atoms found in the Earths atmosphere and the reaction of this collision forms the aurora borealis. The collisions between the atoms and charged particles occur around 20 to 200 miles (32 to 322 km) above the Earths surface and it is the altitude and type of atom involved in the collision that determines the color of the aurora (How Stuff Works). The following is a list of what causes the different auroral colors and it was obtained from How Stuff Works: Red - oxygen, over 150 miles (241 km) above the Earths surfaceGreen - oxygen, up to 150 miles (241 km) above the Earths surfacePurple/violet - nitrogen, over 60 miles (96 km) above the Earths surfaceBlue - nitrogen, up to 60 miles (96 km) above the Earths surface According to the Northern Lights Centre, green is the most common color for the aurora borealis, while red is the least common. In addition to the lights being these various colors, they also appear to flow, form various shapes and dance in the sky. This is because the collisions between the atoms and the charged particles are constantly shifting along the magnetic currents of the Earths atmosphere and the reactions of these collisions follow the currents. Predicting the Aurora Borealis Today modern technology allows scientists to predict the strength of the aurora borealis because they can monitor the strength of the solar wind. If the solar wind is strong auroral activity will be high because more charged particles from the suns atmosphere will move into the Earths atmosphere and react with the nitrogen and oxygen atoms. Higher auroral activity means that the aurora borealis can be seen over larger areas of the Earths surface. Predictions for the aurora borealis are shown as daily forecasts similar to weather. An interesting forecasting center is provided by the University of Alaska, Fairbanks Geophysical Institute. These forecasts predict the most active locations for the aurora borealis for a specific time and give a range showing the strength of auroral activity. The range begins at 0 which is minimal auroral activity that is only viewed at latitudes above the Arctic Circle. This range ends at 9 which is maximum auroral activity and during these rare times, the aurora borealis can be seen at latitudes much lower than the Arctic Circle. The peak of auroral activity typically follows an eleven-year sunspot cycle. During times of sunspots, the sun has very intense magnetic activity and the solar wind is very strong. As a result, the aurora borealis is also normally very strong at these times. According to this cycle, the peaks for auroral activity should occur in 2013 and 2024. Winter is usually the best time to view the aurora borealis because there are long periods of darkness above the Arctic Circle as well as many clear nights. For those interested in viewing the aurora borealis there are some places that are best for viewing them frequently because they offer long periods of darkness during the winter, clear skies and low light pollution. These locations include places like Denali National Park in Alaska, Yellowknife in Canadas Northwest Territories and Tromsà ¸, Norway. Importance of the Aurora Borealis The aurora borealis has been written about and studied for as long as people have been living in and exploring the polar regions and as such, they have been important to people since ancient times and possibly earlier. For example, many ancient myths talk about the mysterious lights in the sky and some medieval civilizations feared them as they believed that lights were a sign of impending war and/or famine. Other civilizations believed the aurora borealis was the spirit of their people, great hunters and animals like salmon, deer, seals, and whales (Northern Lights Centre). Today the aurora borealis is recognized as an important natural phenomenon and every winter people venture into northern latitudes to watch it and some scientists devote much of their time to studying it. The aurora borealis is also considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Weekly Teacher Parent Communication Through Newsletters

Weekly Teacher Parent Communication Through Newsletters In the elementary classroom, parent communication is a critical part of being an effective teacher. Parents want, and deserve, to know whats going on in the classroom. And, more than that, by being proactive in your communication with families, you can avoid possible problems before they even start. But, lets be realistic. Who really has the time to write a proper newsletter each week? A newsletter about classroom happenings may seem like distant goal that will probably never happen with any regularity. Heres a simple way to send a quality newsletter home each week while teaching writing skills at the same time. From experience, I can tell you that teachers, parents, and principals love this idea! Each Friday, you and your students write a letter together, telling families about what happened in class this week and whats coming up in class. Everyone ends up writing the same letter and the content is directed by the teacher. Heres a step-by-step guide for this quick and easy activity: First, pass out a piece of paper to each student. I like to give them paper with a cute border around the outside and lines in the middle. Variation: Write the letters in a notebook and ask parents to respond to each letter over the weekend. At the end of the year youll have a diary of communication for the entire school year!Use an overhead projector or chalkboard so that the kids can see what youre writing as you do it.As you write, model to the kids how to write the date and greeting.Make sure to tell the students to address the letter to whoever they live with. Not everyone lives with a mom and a dad.Ask for input from the kids about what the class did this week. Say, Raise your hand and tell me one big thing we learned this week. Try to steer the kids away from reporting only fun things. Parents want to hear about academic learning, not just the parties, games, and songs.After each item you get, model how you write it into the letter. Add a few exclamation points to show excitem ent. Once youve written enough of past events, youll need to add a sentence or two about what the class is doing the next week. Usually, this information can only come from the teacher. This also gives you an opportunity to preview for the kids about next weeks exciting activities!Along the way, model how to indent paragraphs, use proper punctuation, vary sentence length, etc. At the end, model how to sign off the letter properly. Tips and Tricks: Early finishers can color in the border around the letter. Youll find that, after the first few weeks, the students will get quicker at this process and you wont need to set aside so much time for it.Tell the kids that theres no excuse for incorrect spelling in their letters because youve written everything for them to see.Make a copy of each letter and, at the end of the year, youll have a complete record of each weeks highlights!Perhaps as kids get used to this process, you will decide to allow them to write the letters independently.You may still want to supplement the weekly newsletters with your own monthly or bi-monthly newsletter. This teacher-produced letter can be lengthier, meatier, and of greater scope. Have fun with it! Smile because you know that this simple Guided Writing activity helps kids to hone letter-writing skills while you accomplish an important goal of effective parent-teacher communication. Plus, its a great way to recap your week. What more can you ask for? Edited by: Janelle Cox

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Self-Assessment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Self-Assessment - Research Paper Example Discussion In the modern demanding workstation, leaders are extremely constraint to find new and creative ways to engage and encourage their workers and affect positive change to enhance the bottom line of their organizations. Similarly, organization leadership program of study needs practical professional skills that are required to develop and maintain the organization in order to realize change, (Kuglin and Hook, 2002). Communication and leadership concepts are critical to teach employees and leaders importance of leadership and other crucial interpersonal communication skills. Communication skill is required for teams’ communication, management of conflicts in an organization, intercultural communication, and organizational change management. Experts agree communication is an interaction among people to convey different kinds of messages. Managers and leaders in organizational leadership program of study need communication skills, leadership and management skills to manage organizational information, behavior and ensure free flow of information and better communication in the organization. Therefore, an effective communication skill is crucial to achieve organizational goals and create better reputation. I have learned that leadership competency is all about having the ability to operate and lead people in a diverse organization structures, skills, cultures, and contexts; it is the ability to work or function with external and internal teams across various time zones, human resource policies and locations, (Agor, 2009). This capability makes a manager or a leader adaptive to alterations in working conditions and able to develop effective teams. Therefore, a leader needs motivation, commitment, and understanding. This is because one is managing different people, with diverse cultural backgrounds, tradition, opinions, and goals, is not easy. The group is motivated in diverse ways, and every teacher expects a different thing from an assistant manager. T herefore, as a leader one needs to be a team builder, motivator, coacher to ensure divergent views are integrated, and needs met to achieve common goals. Efficient listening is crucial for leaders. Without listening skills, a leader cannot get a response and opinions from teachers and principals and as sense of what members prefer about the teaching activities and projects. Listening will allow integration of different team members’ opinions to facilitate project success. A leader must have the ability to facilitate communication among the team members in an honest and open manner. Efficient interpersonal communication is evident when group members listen to each other and try to build on each other's contributions. Members of the group attain efficient interpersonal communication through strong leadership and self-regulation so that every member has an equal chance to contribute in the project. Resolving the conflict and decision-making are two key functions that are crucial for leaders. For successful team development, I believe the ability to make the group function, devise methods, and techniques for problem solving and decision-making is critical. Absence of consensus strategies for decision-making and conflict management may result in inconveniences,

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Alcohol and Drugs in College Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Alcohol and Drugs in College - Research Paper Example Although leaders of institutions have a major role to curb the abuse that compromises student’s grades and leads to poor public health, they have solely left the responsibility to students. The paper discusses the extent of the problem, causes, and the solution to this problem. Statistics and Prevalence Unlike in the past, taking drugs and consumption of alcohols has become an acceptable culture in many colleges in America. After some years of struggling with the issue, deans and parents seem to have given up, empowering students to continue. Recent statistics reveals that 49.4% of fulltime students between the age 18-22 binge alcohol and abuse other illegal drugs. From a research done in the year 1993 and another done in 2005, levels of abuse have not changed greatly. However, cases of excessive drinking continue to escalate as students consume alcohol more frequently and o higher levels. The same researches reveal that more students have taken up to drugs with an alarming ra te of more than 100%. For instance, marijuana users have doubled, while heroin and cocaine users went up by 52%. Apparently, female students match up their male student counterparts in drinking although women have a bigger share in drinking. Men college students have a bigger share in illicit drug abuse with women more likely to become heavy smokers Many college students start drinking and abusing drugs in junior high school and in high school. They take in small portions because the environment restricts usage can lead to discontinuation if one is caught with this behaviour. On joining college, such students are happy to find an environment that fosters drug abuse and more so, gives the students the freedom to attend or not to attend lectures. Arguably, students who use drugs and alcohol in high school use them twice as often-on joining colleges. The first factor that accelerates this behaviour is that on joining colleges, students experience a wide range of demands on individual, interpersonal, leaving home, peer pressure, and making new friends. In the course of making new friends, they meet with their peers who use drugs and alcohol and get lured into drugs. At the college level, experimenting with illegal drugs is a normal occurrence and an accepted routine done by students ignoring the negative effects of drugs. (Blum 65-7 0). Some students consume alcohol to lessen the stress they go in the process of adapting or to correct some psychological problems they might have. The second cause of drug and alcohol abuse in colleges is genetics and family history. Casa survey found out that 70% of college students confessed that their parent’s expectations influence them on whether how much they drink or use drugs (CASA web). College students with proper upbringing stand against the testing times of their peers and the pressure from their age. In the current America, most parents are absent and do not have time to advice their kids on proper behaviour in school. In addition, they themselves consume a lot of alcohol, from the bars or at times in the house, playing an inspirational role to their college students. The role of parents in fostering abuse comes in where some parents give too much money to their children. Therefore, they have enough to feed on, cloth, pay hostel and buy expensive illegal drugs. Others do not question their children usage of money. They just send them money as and when their

Friday, January 24, 2020

Analyzing Atheism Essays -- Religion, Spirituality

Religion is one of the touchiest subjects in America. It is something that is rarely on the forefront of many people’s minds but as soon as someone brings it up, everyone has an opinion. Similarly, the idea of no religion, of atheism, is equally opinionated. While Americans of â€Å"faith† often have conflicting opinions with each other, they often stand united on the stance of atheism. For them, atheism is bad and atheists are bad. However, what really is an atheist? At its most basic, an atheist is merely an individual who rejects the idea of god and religion. It is nothing more, nothing less. Nevertheless, many people of faith attach secondary implications to this definition. They unify atheists under a series of assumptions concerning morality, belief, organization, and just plain illogical misconception. As an atheist of eight years myself, I find such assumptions to be insulting and prejudiced. I am an individual. My lack of belief does not entail other beliefs. T he same is true for all atheists. The first misconception I bring up is the most radical and illogical. Very few hold this sort of belief, but those that do I am unlikely to sway with simple logic and common sense. They are the type of people who only see what they want to see and hold onto their preconceived prejudices like a life preserver in a dark sea. Thus, I will address it first and be as quick and succinct as possible. As an atheist, I do not believe in the devil and so I cannot be a Satanist. That is a logical impossibility. The next misconception is a little more subtle, but by far the more widespread. Many people believe that morals are a religious construction and that without religion there is no morality. Thus, they conclude that atheists are amoral ... ...e science of the universe and the science of life are beautiful and help give meaning to existence to me in ways that religion never could. At the end of it all according to science, we are all made up of the same stuff as stars. Within us all are the building blocks of creation, of everything. The last and overarching point I am trying to illustrate is the atheism in not a standardized system of beliefs like religion is. Being an atheist does not entail anything other than a disbelief in deities and religion. While it is likely that atheists will share other beliefs it is not because they are atheists. To say otherwise is to make a baseless and prejudiced assumption. Atheism is not a religion or a belief system; one is not a follower of atheism. We are individuals with differing thoughts and opinions on the many myriad of issues that we often are lumped under.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Steps of the New Induction Program

SWelcomes the new comer to the organization. 2. Explain the overall objectives of the company and the department. 3. Explain the employees’ role in achieving the objectives. 4. Show the location or place of work. 5. Handover the rules and job descriptions. 6. Give detail the training opportunities and promotional advancement. 7. Discuss the working conditions. 8. Furnish all details regarding salary and benefits. 9. Guide the employees through a tour of entire of the organization. 10.The induction program usually done either by formal induction program and or by informal induction program. Some large organizations follow the formal induction program, which carefully planned induction-orientation training program helps a new employee to quickly adjust to the new surroundings, assimilate the new culture, and Reduce Insecurity, Reduced Anxiety, Reduced Cultural Shock, and Reduced Exploitation. In some medium and small organizations informal induction program is carried out either by Supervisor system and or Buddy or Sponsor system.Elements of good Induction Programme A good induction programme has three main elements which is described below: 1. Introductory Information: Introductory information regarding the history of the company and company’s products, its organizational structure, policies, rules and regulations etc. should be given informally or in group session in the personnel department. It will help the candidates to understand the company and the organizational policies and standards well. 2.On the Job Information: Further information should be given to the new employee by the department supervisor in the department concerned where he is placed on the job about departmental facilities and requirements such as nature of the job, the extent of his liability and the employee activities such as recreational facilities, safety measures, job routine etc. 3. Follow up Interviews: A follow up interview should be arranged several weeks after the emp loyee has been on the job by the supervisor or a representative of the personnel department to answer the problems that are a new employee may have on the job. . 7 EMPLOYEE SEPARATION Employees separate from the campus in a variety of ways. Some separations are voluntary and initiated by the employee, such as resignation or retirement. Others are involuntary and initiated by management, such as lay off or medical separation. The death of an employee or dismissal for cause creates unique challenges. Each type of separation requires specific, different actions by you, though some processes are common to all. Your common sense and good judgment will serve you well in response to the special circumstances that arise with each employee’s separation.Whatever the circumstances, every employee leaving the campus, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, should feel they were treated with respect. Keep this goal in mind as you review the guidelines for different types of separations in t his chapter. ? Death of an Employee ? Dismissal ? Exit Interviews ? Job Abandonment ? Lay off ? Medical Separation ? Resignation ? Retirement Training benefits There are numerous reasons for supervisors to conduct training among employees. These reasons include: ? Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees. Increased employee motivation. ? Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain. ? Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods. ? Increased innovation in strategies and products. ? Reduced employee turnover. ? Enhanced company image, e. g. , conducting ethics training (not a good reason for ethics raining! ). Reasons for emphasizing the growth and development of personnel include: ? Creating a pool of readily available and adequate replacements for personnel who may leave or move up in the organization. Enhancing the company’s ability to adopt and use advances in technology because of a sufficiently knowledgeable staff. ? Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated team, which enhances the company’s competitive position and improves employee morale. ? Ensuring adequate human resources for expansion into new programs. Research has shown specific benefits that a small business receives from training and developing its workers, including: ? Increased productivity. ? Reduced employee turnover. ? Increased efficiency resulting in financial gains. Decreased need for supervision.EVOLUTION OF MANAGEMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES: AN INDIAN 1. 7 PERSPECTIVE Kautilya’s Period: Kautilya provides a systematic treatment of management of human resources as early as in the 4th Century B. C. in his treatise titled ‘Arthashastra’. ? There prevailed logical procedures and principles in respect of labour organizations such as ‘Shreni’ or Guild system and the cooperative sector. ? The wages were paid strictly in terms of quantity and quality of work turned out, and punishments were imposed for unnecessary delaying the work or spoiling it. Kautilya provides an excellent discussion on staffing and personnel management embracing job descriptions, qualifications for job, selection procedure, and executive development, incentive systems (Carrot and Stick approach). Varnasharm: There are several indications regarding the operations of principles of the divisions of labour. The concept of Varnashram or caste system was originally based on these principles: ? The individuals, who used to earn their livelihood by engaging themselves in activities such as teaching, sacrifice or state management, were designed as Brahmins. Individuals engaged in the areas of trade, business and agriculture were called ‘Vaishyas’ and those devoting themselves to manual work were known as ‘Shudras’. Later on, these professions emerged to be heredity which facilitated the transfer of skills and training from one generation to another. The Medieval: (As regard to In dian Economy in Medieval India): Although there were a lull because of numerous foreign aggressions for around 700 years, during the Mughal Rule, the Indian trade and commerce were reviewed.Several ‘Karkhanas’ were established at Agra, Delhi, Lahore, Ahmedabad and various other places. ? A majority of the artisans and the craftsmen had extremely poor conditions of existences and lived on starvation level. ? The productivity of workers was very low, low wages, climatic conditions and poor physique were the major factors responsible for it. British Period: There prevailed laissez-faire policy towards business. ? As it is evidenced in the report of the Indigo Commission, the working conditions were appalling, living conditions were subhuman, and several abuses prevailed in Indigo plantations.Again, as regards tea plantation, several cases of inhuman cruelties caused to the workers are encountered. ? Even the Plantation Act of 1863 makes provisions that if the workers faile d to complete their period of contract, they should be imprisoned for a period not exceeding three months. ? The labourers who attempted to run away were subjected to imprisonment whipping and allied extreme punishments. ? Accordingly, the workers were entirely helpless in the face of organized and powerful European Planters. The above conditions prevailed till the enactment of the Factory Act of 1881.According to the Act; the workers employed in the factories were allowed a weekly off day, and provisions were also made for inspection as well as limiting the hours of work for women workers to 11 per day. The Act further provided that the minimum age of children for employment should be seven years and that the maximum working hours for them should not exceed seven hours a day and that too in the day shift. In 1890, the first labour organization designated as ‘Bombay Mill Hands Association’ was established.Subsequently, in 1905, the Printers Union at Calcutta and in 1907 , the Postal Union at Bombay were established. The Madras Labour Union was organized thereafter in 1918. In 1920, the indentured labour system involving migration of Indian labour to other countries on contract basis, was abolished as a result of a strong national movement. In the same year, the Central Labour Board was established to federate the different unions in the Bombay city and the All India Trade Union Congress was organized.In 1923, for the first time in the organized sector, Tata Steel appointed K. A. Naoroji as a labour or welfare officer to look after labour issues in the various departments of the steel work. The formal implementation of the Indian Trade Union Act, 1926 forms a landmark in the history of industrial relations in this country. The Royal Commission on Labour (1929–1931) recommended the appointment of labour officers or liaison officers to deal with recruitment as measures to prevent corrupt practices in Indian industry.They were considered a recru itment officers directly reporting to general manager. As the commission observed, ‘No employee should be engaged except by the labour officer personally in consultation with the departmental head, and none should be dismissed without his consent except by the manager after hearing what the labour officer had to say’ accordingly, the Bombay Mill Owners Association and the Indian Jute Mills Association appointed labour officers in 1935 and 1938, respectively.During World War II, the need for mobilizing labour support was felt and thus, several welfare officers were appointed to deal with working conditions, canteen, ration shops, recreations, medical facilities, worker’s housing and allied fringe benefits. Post-Independence Period: With the emergence of compulsory adjudication under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, the welfare officers were made responsible for handling the disputes and adjudication pertaining to the conditions of services including wages, leave s, retirement benefits and bonus.Thus, they became industrial relations officers and started performing industrial relations functions such as collective bargaining, conciliation, and adjudication. Employment Exchange (Compulsory notification of vacancies) Act, 1959 and the Apprentices Act, 1961 were passed to regulate recruitment and training of workers, respectively. In the view of growing labour legislation commencing with the right to hire and ending with right to fire, the employees tended to employ welfare or labour officers with a legal background. 21st session of standing Labour conference held in Dec. 963 recommended that the functions of welfare officer and personnel officers should be precisely demarcated and that the former should not be responsible for dealing with disciplinary cases against workers or appears in court on behalf of the management against the workers in labour dispute cases. Personnel Management during 1970s: In the early seventies, as Punekar observes, the personnel field covered under three major areas of professional disciplines: (1) Labour welfare, (2) Industrial relations, and (3) Personnel administration.These three areas revealed the chronological order of the development of the personnel field. Immediately after industrialization, labour welfare, mainly social reformist in nature, came into the picture. The inevitable emergence of trade unions resistance organizations to employers opened the field of industrial (or Union-Management) relations. Lastly, with the development of scientific management of industry, personnel administration took root.The three areas of labour welfare, industrial relations and personnel administration were being looked after the three professional functionaries: (1) Welfare officer, (2) Labour officer, and (3) Personnel officer. However, in the early 80s, the area of labour officer largely merged with personnel administration and refers to as personnel management. Personnel Management during 1980s: In 1980s HRM was regarded as a specialized rofession such as that of other professional functions. In addition to industrial relations functions (although sometimes the industrial relations formed a separate branch), the personnel branch was responsible for varied functions i. e. , employment, safety training, wages and salary administration and research and development. Indeed, the activities involved in the personnel department were akin to those performed in this department in other western countries.Specially, where the personnel, industrial relations and welfare functions were combined in one department, three categories of activities relating to these functions were obtained. The personnel department involves in technical and allied services. Thus, industrial relation activities including contract negotiations, grievance handling, preparation and presentation of arbitration cases and research in labour problems; for educational activities including employee training, supervis ory training, organizational planning and management development, communication programs etc. for wage and salary administration, including preparation of job descriptions, job evaluations, incentive and profits sharing systems and executive compensation; for employment activities, such as recruiting, psychological testing, medical examination, interviewing, and employee record keeping; and technical services: health and welfare measures. The personnel manager’s role is to advice. Usually, advise the line and top management in respect of legal matters regarding the termination of services and transfer, human relations problems confronting the line managers and technical procedures in areas, such as wages and salary administration.In some instances, the personnel manager was required to advise management regarding the improvement of human climate in the organization. Human Resource Management during 1990s: During 1990s a new human resources management has emerged, especially a s a result of the globalization and liberalization. The economy and the policy of India is fast changing in the wake of liberalization policies mooted in year 1990. Consequently the form and content of capitalist relations between the various factors of production are undergoing a change.What has emerged a new era of HR Management? As a result of liberalization and globalization the human resources management and industrial relations have acquired strategic importance. The success of the new policies mostly depends on to a large extent, on the introduction of new industrial relations and human resources policies at the national and the organizational levels. The pressure of change is already visible in the economy and witnessed in the industrial relations and HRM areas.The world economic order is also changing rapidly. Evolutionary changes are taking place at revolutionary pace, largely influenced by the external forces, arising out of a desire to increase competitiveness and effici ency. Centrally planned economics are opening up to have their tryst with counterpart of free market economy. Structural adjustments and reforms are holding sway establishing primary of economic imperatives over dogmatic political compulsions.Organization today working in a commercially competitive global economic environment are struggling for their own survival and growth. The liberalizations and bold economic reforms by Government have thrown out many challenges and opportunities to the Indian industry. With explosion of the Information and communication technology, increased global competition, fast changing market conditions, the deregulations etc. organizations have to redesign their strategies and outlook to HRM.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Police vehicles and ambulances which use the line of lights on top of vehicles. The use of LEDs is also becoming famous in normal everyday items of use like Televisions, radios, telephones, watches and even in calculators (Schubert, 2006). These are also used in the festive lights. b) Electric Cars: These are in most cases used by golfers to carry around the golfs and the entire packs across the course. This was the original use of the cars, however as time has passed by, the electric cars are now also used in huge resorts, where the guest can move from rooms to the restaurants in the small electric cars. Also the most recent users of electric cars are the general public. These cars have been introduced worldwide and are being used as a replacement to the traditional fuel vehicles. Also the other main segments of the markets are the racers, conversions, and hobbyists. (4) Identify the types of organizations that may need to evaluate strategy more frequently than other types of organizations. Justify your choices. There are several organizations that need to identify and evaluate their strategies more than any other organization. We will write a custom essay sample on STRATEGIC MANGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now These are mainly the ones operating in the turbulent industry and which need to ensure that the strategies are in line with the current market needs as well. The various industries that need to be a part of these are, electronics, aerospace, and any other organization who base all products and services on electronic items. Some excellent examples are mobile phone manufacturers, computer industry, aerospace industry, gaming industry, i.e. the game producers like Sony, Television and entertainment industries. The main reasons for the need to evaluate strategy are the fast and unstoppable improvements of technology every single day. This leaves the companies needing to create newer products which can compete in the markets. Take the example of Sony, The company first brought in the Play Station, and with the high improvements in technology, the immediate next step was the improved version, i.e. the Play station 2 and within a very short period Play Station 3. The main difference in these is the technology used and the basic strategies of development of the games. Companies of this nature need to be updated at the earliest to ensure that they have the first mover advantage and gain over the market as well (Dixit & Nalebuff, 1993). Hence they need to continuously improve their strategies. (5) Compare and contrast having strategic management more visible or hidden as a process in a company.